Alice in Time

About the Blog This is a blog about all things Alice, constructed by Sally Odgers, winner of the 2018 Alice Award. My home page is at where you'll find the gateway to my maze of websites and blogs. You can contact me in the comments section of this blog, or via the details given at my home page. Several years ago, I teamed up with an English poet whom I knew as MercurySeven. He was a young man and I was a middle-aged woman, but we both frequented a particular writing site and we shared a fascination for science fiction, steampunk themes and metrical verse. Just for fun, we wrote a series of poems based on a particular Time Machine. We loosely took it in turns to take the TM for a spin. One of my pieces was called Alice in Time. It's years since I collaborated with Merc but I hope he's happy and writing up a storm. Alice in the time machine is running out of reasons Careering her career path and sampling the seasons Returning...